Anindya Ghosh

Former Graduate Research Assistant

Anindya Ghosh completed his MSc degree from Indian Institute of Technology in Madras, India. Chennai, India in 2016. He joined the group after hearing Mallik speak  before at IIT. He moved to CERN to start his research work in the summer of 2017, and calls CERN “a fantastic place” to be, with hundreds of scientists, students, and teachers joined in the same quest.

Ghosh completed his comprehensive exam successfully in spring of 2020, and a Ph.D. degree was completed in summer 2021. He is responsible for Dark Matter search in mono-Higgs (bb), and participated in Dark Energy search with Dr. Argyropoulos (then a University of Iowa Iowa postdoc) in model testing, and also performing a combination of the Dark Matter results from multiple channels to extend the search limits. Since August 2021, he has been a postdoc on ATLAS experiment with the University of Arizona.

Research areas
  • Particle Physics
Anindya Ghosh
MSc degree from Indian Institute of Technology
Contact Information