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BaBar and Other Research

The group has completed work on the BaBar experiment at SLAC(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). BaBar was the last large particle physics detector at SLAC, operational from 1999 till 2008. The detector was used to investigate the composition of matter using the B/B-bar system of mesons produced at the PEP-II collider at SLAC. The Babar Experiment investigated the charge/parity violation in hopes of understanding the dominance of matter over anti-matter in the known universe.
Activities in BaBar
- Resposible for online trigger software system
- Central role in BaBar DAQ
- Construction of barrel electromagnetic calorimeter-mini crates and fanout boards
- Calibration of electromagnetic calorimeter, CARE chips
- Leadership in Charmed Baryon/Pentaquark Analysis Work
- BaBar Run Coordination
- Omega_c (Wc) production in B-meson decays
- Discovery of Omega_c* (Wc*) production
- Measurement of the spin-parity of Omega- ( W-) directly for the first time
- Leadership role in charmed baryon and baryon measurements
- Study of Oscillation and CP-violation in the D0-D0 system
Postdocs in BABAR
Dr. Matthew Charles (2004-2009), Ph.D. Oxford University 2004,
current position : Associate Professor (equivalent) in LPNHE, University of Paris VI, Paris
Dr. Gerald Grenier (2001-2003), Ph.D. University of Lyon, 2000
current position : Associate Professor (equivalent) in Claude Bernard University, Lyon
Dr. Rainer Bartoldus (1998-2002), Ph.D. Bonn University, 1998
current position : Staff physicist at SLAC national Lab, Stanford, CA.
Students in BABAR (recipient of Ph.D. Degree)
Veronique Ziegler, Ph.D. 2007 (2008 Spriesterbach Dissertation Prize for Math, Physical Sciences and Engineering)
current position : Scientific Staff at Jefferson Lab, Newport News , VA.
Xuedong Chai, Ph.D. 2008
current position : Medical physicist, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Professor Mallik and her group were involved in the research and development of the Linear Collider, an international high priority construction project in Particle Physics. It will be central in understanding the Higgs mechanism (by which fundamental particles acquire masses), as a complimentary study of that at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Her group established a Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) for the ILC detectors successfully. For an introduction to particle physics click here.
Zeus is one of the two experiments at HERA, the only high energy electron/proton collider operating in DESY, located in Hamburg, Germany. The project started in 1992 using Deep Inelastic scattering to probe the inner quark structure of the proton. Professor Mallik and her group worked on the U-Sc calorimeter online software and readout-electronics calibration. The group studied the rise of the gluon momentum density at low-x from the rise of elastic and inelastic charmonium production, calculated with perturbative QCD.