Usha Mallik
- Physics immediately following the Big Bang
- Physics projects at LHC (ATLAS experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider); Work on Silicon Pixel detector and its upgrade; Upgrade of Liquid Argon Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- R&D on the Future Electron Positron Linear Collider (at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and CERN)
- Students start with courses and initial research at Iowa, then move to a major lab to complete their thesis research
- Students develop skills in fast electronics, real-time data processing, and software
- Employment opportunities in academia, major labs, industry
- Ph.D., CCNY (of CUNY), 1978
- Professor, experimental particle physics
- Fellow, American Physics Society, 1996
- Fellow of University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, 2007-2012, 2012-2017, 2017-2022
- Member of the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel,1999 - 2002
- P.I. of the DOE grant of the HEP group at The University of Iowa
- Member of Committee on Education of the American Physical Society, 2003-2005
- Member of Committee on International Scientific Affairs of the American Physical Society, 2005-2007
- Member of Forum of Physics Society Executive committee of the American Physical Society, 2015-2018
- Member of Committee on Freedom of Scientists of the American Physical Society, 2015-2018
Research areas
- experimental elementary particle physics